Best Ayurvedic Treatments For Hair Loss And Hair Re-Growth

Ayurveda has solutions for your every problem. If you are suffering from hair loss and want to boost your hair growth, read this article carefully. This post is shared by ayurvedic manufacturers and they will tell you best natural remedies to treat hair fall and boost hair growth.

More and more people are switching to ayurvedic remedies to treat issues related to hair, skin, and health. Hair loss can be embarrassing and can affect one's self-esteem and confidence. When treated early, you can reduce the hair fall.

In Ayurveda, there are different herbs for different problems. Ayurveda is very much linked to the body type and stability of the mind-body structure. Ayurveda considers the hair as a byproduct for formation of bone. The tissues in human body that are responsible for bone formation are also responsible for hair growth. Hair fall is a problem of Pitta dosha in Ayurveda. Excess of Pitta dosh can result in hair fall.

Change your diet

Change your bad eating habits that increase your Pitta dosha in your body. If you take excess of tea, alcohol, coffee, meats or if you smoke a lot, QUIT. Pitta is also alleviated by consuming more fried, oily, spicy, greasy, sour and acidic foods.

Things to eat-

Healthy food plays a important role in your hair health. Hence, always eat healthy foods for faster hair growth. You can have aloe vera juice. If you don't like to have it, then take 1 table spoon of aloe vera gel with a pinch of cumin thrice a day for quarter to treat your hair fall problem. Go VEGAN! Have fresh juices of carrot, spinach, lettuce, and alfalfa to boost hair growth. Sesame seeds do wonderful job. Take a spoonful of white sesame seeds every morning. These seeds are great source of magnesium and calcium. You will notice how your hair stop falling in limited time.

Include yogurt in your daily meal to stop hair fall to a large extent. Never underestimate the green leafy vegetables and fruits to prevent hair fall. Don't forget to include foods that are rich in vitamin C, B-complex, zinc, fatty acids and suphur. Try to include sprouts, buttermilk, nuts, milk, whole grains, soy beans and other healthy treats in your diet chart. By eating healthy, you will notice reduced hair fall in a few months.

Last but not the least, stay hydrated! Water is important as it removes toxins from human body.

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